Monday, September 24, 2007

Sparatic Brain Processes

My friends are getting on me for not blogging. I tried being lazy and putting off, but they are looking over my shoulder. So here are some "random thoughts".
I have been playing hook from work the last couple of days. Those children and their germs were getting on my nerves. All that damn sneezing and coughing without covering their mouths. I need to go buy a can of Lysol to put near my desk. Classes are going ok. This is the third week. No major assignments yet, just a lot of reading. I have about 300 pages of material to cover per week. I am going to be such a learned man in the end

My family is beginning to get on my nerves. We have published a book and they have left it up to me to get it out there and printed. They call me every couple of days and it is a little annoying with my school and work load. They also want me to get my brother, sister, and cousin into my college....As if I am the director of admissions. I guess that is family for you. You gotta Love em' I am happy that they have somewhat moved on from their fixation about me being gay. They have transferred their judgements to my uncle, who is shacking up with a woman 10 years his senior. Hey, I say to each his own. I am just glad they are off me for the moment.
I love my friends. It is so nice to have genuine people in your life; People that are not judgemental; People who have your back; People who care about what you think; People who will be there until the end. I was once in a relationship where my lover was my only outlet. I felt that he didn't want me to have friends. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone for fear that I was cheating. Well to anyone out there with lover and friends...Make sure you balance your time. Your friendships are priceless. Treasure them! "When lovers leave, Your friends love"
As some of you know, I was trying out a long-distance relationship. I don't think it is working. We both have very hectic school shedules and have not spoken in over a week. It is very hard to juggle life with long-distance love. Hell, it is hard to juggle dating with my school schedule. I want love. I love love. I look at my two friends Shawn and Fuzzy and admire their connection; their friendship; their relationship; their love. I guess I will press on. I challenge you all to make 1 new friend this week. It doesn't have to be a date, just a random friend.
Well, here are my " sparatic brain processes." Do what them what you will. Comments welcomed, criticism welcome, advice welcome (dee). I love you all. Have a great week.
...And so it goes


Promiscuous X said...

Bout dam time cuz if I looked at this blog one more time an saw Happy New Year. It woulda been some dam fireworks up in here lol.

I feel u on the long distance.Nope jus told mines its not working lol.
Ooooo an the sneezing yess dammit. I swear everybody at work tryna get me sick. I already beat u to it brotha. I got me a nice can of lysol pirched on my desk. I dare someone to touch my shit with there filthy hands. Lol

Jay said...

Nasty ass germ having rodents...damn this is why my gay ass refuses to have kids. Tell them lil bastards to cover their damn mouths or stay j/k. We all know you just wanted an excuse to stay home. But we love you tyson...

Ty said...

lol @ Jay

You know you need to take you ass to work and quit playin'. lol

bLaQ~n~MiLD said...

(O Yea. I've been referenced and asked to put on my '@ss hole' cap...)

Nothing wrong with taking some mental health days away from work. I'm about there with you my damn self. Just need to survive two more weeks. As long as you have the time to take, take it pa.

Hey that's what happens with family when they see a driven individual with aspirations. Just make sure that you take the time to handle YOUR business BEFORE you move onto their priorities. Take care of home first.

Love ya too B. N I wish a muh fukka woooooooooooould try to tell me I can't have friends. You're insecurities are not my problem.

(@ss hole time...) Ummmmmm... I'm hesitant to comment on this part. Actually I won't for fear of how I may come across. I'll only say do what's best for you.


Jersey Brotha said...

B, not only do you need the Lysol, but you need them damn Airborne tablets. They were made to guard against them germ-holders we call kids lol.

And just like Blaq said, take care of your business first before anyone else's. That's for EVERY aspect of your life!

ponoono said...


fuzzy said...

I dont see anything wrong with 10 years. My moms was 22 or 23 when she met my dad who was 32 or 33. 10 years difference there! Mom ran shop too!

Dayne Avery said...

Kids are such little germs. I feel you on that because if I see one more little kid dig in thier, nose, butt, or other hole while I'm teaching... I don't know whether to laugh or cringe.

ThisMightBeMe said...

I'm going to need you to update this thing just to let folks know you're hope all is well.

Motionphics said...

Lol...spratic, yet funny. A) gotta love family they will give you hell and have your back at the same time. OMG at least they didn't ask you if you were a top or bottom. B) Lysol is a great buy. Just think we all had those same germs as kids and loved to spread them. Thinking that we were being cute trying to hug our teachers and get a girlfriend(bf) with our snotty noses. C)Friends are important, especially in relationships. There, in my opinion, needs to be an outlet from the smothering...oops, i meant affections of a relationship.

By all means take care of you.

Self-care is dapper!