I have been playing hook from work the last couple of days. Those children and their germs were getting on my nerves. All that damn sneezing and coughing without covering their mouths. I need to go buy a can of Lysol to put near my desk. Classes are going ok. This is the third week. No major assignments yet, just a lot of reading. I have about 300 pages of material to cover per week. I am going to be such a learned man in the end
My family is beginning to get on my nerves. We have published a book and they have left it up to me to get it out there and printed. They call me every couple of days and it is a little annoying with my school and work load. They also want me to get my brother, sister, and cousin into my college....As if I am the director of admissions. I guess that is family for you. You gotta Love em' I am happy that they have somewhat moved on from their fixation about me being gay. They have transferred their judgements to my uncle, who is shacking up with a woman 10 years his senior. Hey, I say to each his own. I am just glad they are off me for the moment.
I love my friends. It is so nice to have genuine people in your life; People that are not judgemental; People who have your back; People who care about what you think; People who will be there until the end. I was once in a relationship where my lover was my only outlet. I felt that he didn't want me to have friends. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone for fear that I was cheating. Well to anyone out there with lover and friends...Make sure you balance your time. Your friendships are priceless. Treasure them! "When lovers leave, Your friends love"
As some of you know, I was trying out a long-distance relationship. I don't think it is working. We both have very hectic school shedules and have not spoken in over a week. It is very hard to juggle life with long-distance love. Hell, it is hard to juggle dating with my school schedule. I want love. I love love. I look at my two friends Shawn and Fuzzy and admire their connection; their friendship; their relationship; their love. I guess I will press on. I challenge you all to make 1 new friend this week. It doesn't have to be a date, just a random friend.
Well, here are my " sparatic brain processes." Do what them what you will. Comments welcomed, criticism welcome, advice welcome (dee). I love you all. Have a great week.
...And so it goes