Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Return

Well Hello Bloggers,

It has been a while since I have visited and written on this site. It is amazing how certain things in your life can mean so much at one point, and then mean nothing. You never stop and realize how many people are in this world and how many different lives are unfolding simultaneously.

My friend Jay, came to visit me yesterday and he started telling me about people and occurances. I was shocked and awed at some of the things I heard so I decided I had to come check it out for myself.

As for me.... I will be returning to Kean University in the fall for a M.A. in Educational Leadership. As some of you may know, I used to teach elementary school, which is what my field of study is, however I have completely changed careers. Although teaching is my passion, my current job pays the bills :-). Over the last few years I worked part-time at various hotels as a front desk agent. Since then, I have now become the Director of Operations for the Ravel Hotel. (check out the website: I love the title and the power that comes along with it. Anyway, I also moved to East Orange, NJ into my very first apartment. I have never lived alone and I don't who told me to start now. Rent is a motherfu$&er!!!! I do enjoy the independence of my own place, my own cars, my own office...I'm like Whitney Houston...It's time for me to do it...ON MY OWN.

Socially, I am still the helpless romantic, however I have learned not to discuss my love life with the blog world. So just know that I am happy! I pray that all of you find your own piece of happiness and grab hold to it. Until nextime, Be Good. Be Safe. Be Blessed!

...And so it goes